Afaque Umer
Jul 16, 2023


Hi Glad you liked it. To answer your questions:
1. Yes commercial licensing is a bit complex now but considering how frequently the llms are being released and updated it's unpredictable + there are few which are like you mentioned. We had one use case and to get the know how of langchain I experimented this.

2. I have Zephyrus G15 (Ryzen 5900HS)

3. Langchain is just a framework. If you will use OpenAI api then you are sending your data over their server. My sole purpose behind this was to avoid that as I didn't wanted to send my data. You can validate it( shut all internet connection) & run your app. It will work locally.

I hope that helps 🙂



Afaque Umer

AI whisperer, unraveling the secrets of the universe one byte at a time. Let's geek out together 👉